Market Behaviourally

The ACCRUE Framework

Do You Want To Grow Your Business Online, But Not Sure How? 

Hi, my name is Matthew Wellington.

I am a behavioural specialist, and I’ve spent my career learning and discovering why people behave the way they do.

Over the past few years, I’ve been fascinated by consumer behaviours, and learning exactly why people buy, and why some businesses succeed while so many fail.

In my pursuit, I have developed a simple framework for how professionals and small businesses can attract and convert more and more people, using the science of behaviour.

I call this the ACCRUE Framework. This stands for:

  • Attract your ideal customer
  • Connect with stories
  • Convert them into customers
  • Retain them in your ecosystem
  • Upgrade their knowledge and beliefs, and
  • Escalate them up your value ladder.

I have created a video training series on how you can apply this framework to your own business to develop a marketing strategy focused on eliciting the behaviors you want to see from your customers.

Usually, I would be charging $49 for this, but for a limited time only, you can get this training for only $7. 

But, not only do you get this no-fluff video training, but you will also get a workbook that you can complete as you go through the training so that by the end of it, you have an action plan for your new marketing strategy.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab your access now, while you still can, for only $7.

What You Get For Only a $7 Investment:

The ACCRUE Video Training Series

A six-module video training series based on the ACCRUE Framework, showing you how to apply the framework to develop a marketing strategy for your business.

The ACCRUE Workbook

A PDF workbook that you can fill out as you go through the training series, which will give you a clear action plan to implement your marketing plan after you finish going through the training.

Access To A Private FB Group

You will also get access to a private Facebook Group where you can discuss the concepts within the course, get your questions answered, and get accountability for implementing your plan.

Ready To Make a Real Change?

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